Add a Resource to California Educators Together

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  • CaeducatorstogetherCaeducatorstogether
  • OnelearningplatformOnelearningplatform
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From your Dashboard, *locate* the **Action Center** in the left column of the page. *Click* on the button and from the dropdown, *select* **Add A Resource**
From the Add a Resource Modal: 1. *Select* **Classroom Material** or **Professional Learning** 2. *Add* **Title of your Resource** 3. *Add* **Description of your Resource**
*Select* the option one of the following options: 1. I want to **contribute a website or URL** 2. I want to **upload a file** Depending on your selection, add a url or upload file from your desktop and *Click* **Save**
You will then be directed to the Edit Resource Screen. From here, 1. *Add* a Thumbnail 1. **Note:** when resources added from a URL, the system will grab a screenshot as shown below. This can be updated as desired. 2. *Select* Resource Sub-Category
*Add* Resource Tags 1. **Keywords:** these are like hashtags. 1. Keywords are also part of the search tool, as well as linking resources together. Users can also click on the keywords within a resource and all other resources with the same keywords will display. 2. **Subjects:** Select ONLY the most applicable subject areas 3. **Grades:** Select ONLY the most applicable grade levels 4. **Audience:** Select ONLY the most applicable audience 5. **Standards**: Use the standards database to attach standards as applicable (most frequently used on the Curriculum Tools)
Tip! Finding a Subject Area by Search Box Use the **Search box** in the Subject Area Tags modal to find subject areas instead of opening each drop down.
*Add* **Publisher, Author** and **Citation** *Add* or *update* the Publisher, Author and Citation.
*Click* the Save Icon on the toolbar
*Enable* the Discussion feature if desired
**Tip!** **Editing Keywords and Tags on a Resource** To edit the Keywords or Tags from an existing Resource: 1. *Open* Resource 2. *Click* pencil icon to move into edit mode 3. *Click* the the X next to the Keyword or Tag that is to be removed.
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