Adding Meet & Greet

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

On the Planner Step of the Itinerary Builder, select the relevant day that you need to add the Meet & Greet.

Adding a Meet & Greet

Select 'Meet & Greet' on the bottom left-hand side of the Activity Block. 
**Note:** This will appear whether the Planner is set to be Day by Day or By Destination
When you select 'Meet & Greet', you will then be able to select a [preloaded ]( & Greet from the drop-down menu, which will populate the name and description with the details loaded in Admin. In addition, the images will automatically pull through into the itinerary.
Alternatively, you can enter the Meet & Greet details once off for this particular itinerary by entering the name and description directly in the pop-up menu. The details manually entered will only be available for use in this itinerary and cannot be saved and reused. If added in the Itinerary Builder itself, you do not have the ability to load images. 
**Note:** The contact details and time will need to be loaded either from your  [contact list]( or manually for each itinerary.
Once you have selected and entered the relevant details for the Meet & Greet, click 'Update Service' and it will save the details into the Planner.
You can now use the green arrow to drag the service into the correct place for chronological sequencing.

Where the Meet & Greet Will be Displayed on Your Itinerary Output

The Meet & Greet will then display on your itinerary output and a pop-up window displaying the information entered will open when the service is clicked on. **Virtual Itinerary**
**Digital Itinerary**
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