Adding Preloaded Activities

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  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

Activities for clients can be added to the Planner Step of the Itinerary Builder. 

Adding Activities

There are two methods that you are able to use to add an activity to your day planner: They both have the same result, but it allows you to choose which you prefer.\ \ **First Method**\ By selecting 'Activity' the 'Select an Activity' option will activate. Click on this section and begin to type the name of the activity that you are looking for.  The system will automatically try to find activities according to what you are searching for. Select the activity that you are looking for and it will be added to your itinerary.
**Second Method**\ This option is a similar process, however, instead of selecting 'Activity' you can click in the box indicating 'Click to Add Activity' followed by clicking on the 'Select an Activity'. The rest of the process is as above.
**Note:** Should you want to change the activity you have added to your itinerary, you can click on the activity you want to change to reactivate the search feature. 
In the drop-down list of activities you will find the following: **%comm. not specified**\ If your company has made use of the consultant portal and added in a commission percentage, the percentage will show here. **IB**\ The black 'IB' box indicates that the activity is an iBrochure. **Percentage**\ The large percentage indicates the amount of content that is loaded for the activity. 0% indicates no information, and 100% indicates a complete listing. 
**Note:** Clicking on the preview button next to the activity you are able to see the descriptions and images that have been loaded for the activity. 
**Note:** Activities can be edited in the  Supplier tab of Admin, much like the hotels. To find the activities on the supplier list, add them using the quick add functionality.

Inclusion Type

The 'Inclusion Type' is where you can specify whether the activity is Planned, Recommended, Optional or Information.\ \ **Planned**\ Indicated the Activity is included in the cost of the tour **Recommended**\ Indicates something nice for clients to do during their free time **Optional**\ Indicates that the activity is available to the group, however, it is not compulsory. this generally specifies an additional charge for the activity. **Information**\ This can be used for any additional information on activities, sites, attractions or destinations that you would like to inform your client of.


In this field, you will be able to add both specific and general times to each of the activities loaded into your itinerary. **Exact Time**\ This you can do by clicking on the 'green clock icon' next to the drop-down menu in the Timeslot column. This will change the screen so that you can set the time. To add the time, click on the 'Plus ( + )' to increases the time for hours and minutes respectively or on the 'minus ( - )' to decreases the time. **General time of the day**\ This would either be in the Morning, Lunch, Afternoon, Dinner or in the Evening. To select this, click on the drop-down menu in the Timeslot column and select the time of day you would like.
**Note:** The time can also be entered in a free text format, meaning you do not need to use the 'plus (+)' or 'minus (-)' buttons. The time is recorded in a 24-hour format.

Highlight Activities

The Star icon is used to mark the selected activities as Highlights for the day. 
Within the Digital Itinerary, the Highlights will appear on both the Overview Page as well as the Destination Page. These allow you to attract your clients' attention to the highlights of the trip from the beginning.
**Note:** Should you have added 10 activities or more to your planner on one specific day, you will notice that the standard 3 image display in your Digital Itinerary will be increased to display 6 images instead.
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