Adding Published Tours

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

To add a Day Tour you will need to open up the relevant itinerary and move to the Planner Step.

How to Add a Day Tour

On the Planner, select ‘Day Tour’ at the bottom left-hand side of the activity block. This will open up the Day Tour browser.

Search Functions

Within the Day Tour browser, you have the option to search by either the operators or the name of the Day Tour.  **Operators**\ By default the drop-down will be set to 'All' and a long list of all Day Tours will be provided. On this drop-down, you can select the company whose Day Tour you would like to add to your itinerary. If you have built your own Day Tours, you are able to select your company name to view the ones built on your account.  **Search**\ The search function allows you to search through the names of the Day Tours.

Viewing the Day Tour

Once you have located a Day Tour, you are able to view the details of the tour by clicking on ‘Preview’ on the right-hand side. This will open up the Day Tour Itinerary. This is where you will see what is included in the tour and what attractions will be visited.
**Note:** The preview will show all of the day tour information, however not all information will pull through to your client itinerary. The full description, summary, map and images will be displayed for your client. 

Adding the Day Tour

Once you have viewed the Day Tour, you are able to add it to the itinerary you are building for your client/s.  In order for you to do this, you need to click on the Day Tour you want, this will highlight the tour green. 
Next, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Add Day Tour’. This will add the tour to your day planner.
**Note:** You are able to add more than one Day Tour per day which is especially useful if you are suggesting options for your clients.

How the Day Tours are displayed

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