Adding Scheduled Departures

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

On the Navigation Panel navigate to Trip solutions, select 'Sample Itineraries' under Itinerary builder.
The option to add scheduled departures will only be available in Sample Itineraries. You will either have to build a new Sample Itinerary or edit an existing Sample Itinerary.

Adding Scheduled Departures

In the Accommodation Step of building your Itinerary, you will need to click on the ‘Manage Scheduled Departures’ button on the top right-hand side.
This will open the 'Manage Scheduled Departures' screen where you are now able to update the departure details.
**Start Date**\ Enter the date on which the trip starts. This could be entered by free text or by selecting the date from the calendar icon. **Pricing**\ Select the currency you will be selling the trip in. This will be the default currency for all Scheduled Departures. It’s an all or nothing setting so you are not able to sell different currencies in one trip. **From / Is**\ How you will set the price? Will the price start from (taxes and extras not calculated in the price yet) or is it a set price that cannot increase? This is also a once-off setting for all Scheduled Departures. **Price**\ The price of the trip is entered here. This can change per departure.
**Note**: If you have inserted any spaces into your amounts, the system will not allow you to save. You will need to insert amounts without spaces in order to save your Scheduled Departures.
**Price Basis**\ This is what your prices are based on. **Add Departure**\ This will add the scheduled departure to your Itinerary.  
**End Date**\ This will automatically calculate. Should you have already added accommodation and added the nights spent at each then the calculation will be based on the nights. If you have not added any accommodation then it will calculate one day from the start date. **Delete**\ Clicking on the trash bin icon will delete the Scheduled Departure and you can reconfigure it. You are not able to edit it if you have made a mistake.
**Note:** Adding the accommodation after you have configured the Scheduled Departures can be done as Wetu will automatically recalculate and update the end dates.
**Trip Details**\ Price, Includes, Excludes and T’s & C’s pull through from the Itinerary Details stage. If you haven’t added any information in the previous step then you can do that here.

Scheduled Departures Outputs

All of the Scheduled Departures you have added will be shown at the top of the Overview page on your Classic Itinerary.
In the Discovery Itinerary, you're Scheduled Departures will be located just above your trip information and fast facts with a 'Book Now' button to streamline inquiries for specific dates.
**Printable Itinerary**
**Note:** Scheduled Departures do not show on the Virtual Itinerary (Map View) for Virtual Lite packages.
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