Additional Destinations

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Adding a Destination

On the Planner Step of the Virtual Itinerary Builder, select 'Add Destination' on the bottom right-hand side of the Activity Block.
A Pop-up window will appear. move your cursor to the 'Add Destination' field and click. You can begin to type the name of the Destination you are looking for and the system will display relevant destinations for you to chose from. Select 'Update Destinations' to save.
On the top of the Activity block, you will now see a blue tick with the word Destination(s) visible. This indicates that you have added the Destination successfully. 

Deleting a Destination

In order to delete a destination, select 'Add Destination' again and select the destination you wish to remove. Select 'Delete Destination'  and then 'Update Destination(s) to remove the destination from the itinerary.

How the Destinations Display

In the Digital Itinerary, the added destination will be listed below the main destination that has been assigned during the accommodation setup.
In the Virtual Itinerary, the additional destination will allocated under the specific day you have added it as a clickable link that will populate related content.
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