In the Personal itineraries browser, select the Itinerary that you want to add documents to.
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Navigate to Step 6. Additional Details of the Itinerary Builder
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Uploading Documents from your Computer
Once in the Additional Details step, navigate to Add Documents ( on the right next to Cover Documents)
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Click on the orange '+' and select Your Computer
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Your computer's file manager appears. Click on the document that you would like to attach and then click Open.
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**Wetu Suggests:** If you want to upload several documents, ensure that they are all in one folder on your computer. Then hold the CTRL key (Command on Mac) and click on all the files you want to upload together.
Once the documents have been uploaded successfully, they will appear in the Add Documents section.
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You can remove any documents by clicking on the trash can. Clicking on the pencil icon will allow you to rename the document that you have uploaded.
Adding Documents from Wetu Admin
Once in the Additional Details step, navigate to Add Documents ( on the right next to Cover Documents)
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Click on the orange + and select Wetu Admin.
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The File Attachments window appears with any files you have uploaded to your Wetu account. Select the check box(es) next to the document(s) that you would like to attach and then click Attach Documents.
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Note: If you have not uploaded any documents to your Wetu Admin and would like to find out more, please refer to [our guide here](
Once the documents have been uploaded successfully, they will appear in the Add Documents section.
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You can remove any documents by clicking on the trash can. Clicking on the pencil icon will allow you to rename the document that you have uploaded.
Where do Documents Show on the Itinerary?
Hiding documents
If there are documents that you would like to attach to your Itinerary, but do not want it to appear on of the outputs, you can do this by simply ticking the Hide option next to the relevant document.
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
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