Communication Tools

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**Ways to Communicate with Peers, Groups, and Communities:** 1. Group Discussion Board conversations 2. User to User direct messages (email) 3. User message to a Group messages (email) 4. Community Callout 5. News & Events *See the following examples of each type:*

Group Discussion Board

**Group Discussion Board** *Discussion Boards are found within Groups* Users must create an account and join the group to participate in a discussion board. You can Like, Reply, and Subscribe to posts as well as search or sort existing discussions.
**User to User direct messages (email)** *To Individual Users* You can send a message to an individual user from your Message Center ✉️ by selecting the Compose button and searching your recipient by name (if they are a registered user, their name will display when you begin typing). **Tip**: *access your message center by clicking on the envelope icon located in the platform header.* The other option is to *click* on a user's profile icon which will direct you to their profile page. From their profile page, *click* on the envelope icon in the toolbar on the right side of the page. **Tip:** *you can access a users profile page by clicking on their profile image found within the members block in a group, from the currently online block located on the Dashboard, or by the profile image located on objects (resources, collections, lesson plans, outlines and projects)*
**User message to a Group messages (email)** *To a Group of Users* Similar to the previous message, *click* on the mail icon located on the toolbar from within a Group. In the message widget that displays, *complete* the fields. **\*Note:** when sending a message from within a group, the ‘TO’ field defaults to the entire group, meaning **all** current members of the group will receive the message.
**View Callouts from the Dashboard** *To A Community of Users* Community Callouts is information that can be posted by the platform lead agency. One or more Community Callouts can be live at one time and display as a carousel at the top of the Dashboard. Community Callouts can be set to be viewed by all users or a subset of users based on user demographics (audience, subject area, grade level).
Advanced profile permissions are required to be able to create and manage community callouts.
[[How to create a Community Callout:]] Similar to the process below for News and Events, you will be able to see the **Community Callout** tab after clicking on "+Add New" button (with the right access role enabled). Here you can edit the Content (including Call-To-Action Button), Background Image (Banner), Colors and Styles, and [Priority level]( You're welcome to go back and update these details at any time by clicking the "Edit" button from the right-hand toolbar. **\*Note:** You may convert an existing announcement or event type to a Community Callout after it's been published.
**News & Events** News & Events can be found within groups that have added this block. News & Events include announcements, events and alerts. *View* News & Events by clicking on the newspaper icon in the platform header. **Tip:** *If the platform you are using has implemented the News & Event feed, you will see this feed on the Dashboard. The News & Events posted in the groups you are a member of will display on this feed.* **Group Leaders have the ability to post News & Events within the Groups they lead. Use the directions below to create a News & Event:** 1. Click on the newspaper icon in the header of the Site 2. Click on the "+Add New" Button 3. The News & Events Modal will open 4. Add text for Title, Short Description, and Content 5. Select a Type from the dropdown 6. Click the Visibility tab to add start and end date of when the community callout should display. 7. Click Targeting if the content should be targeted to specific users or communities

How Users Receive Notifications

**[[User Notifications]]**
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