Contact Details

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

From your Wetu navigation panel, scroll down and select 'Account setup', click on 'Account' to get started.

Creating a new Contact

In Account, navigate over to the 'Contacts and Services' tab to add your contacts.
By clicking on 'Add Contact' you will be directed to a new page where you will be able to add in all of the information for the contact you want to load, click on 'Save' to save it.

Using your Contacts in an Itinerary

The contact details that you have loaded in your Account setup can be used in the Route Builder, Planner and Review steps of the Itinerary Builder wherever you see the 'Load Contacts' button appear. **In the Route Builder Step** The option will be available on the majority of the Mode of Transport with the exception of Self-Drive, Scheduled Flights and Hike. To add your loaded contact to your selected 'Mode' of Transport, select the icon next to your transport type and click on the 'Load Contacts' button.
This will open a pop-up with a list of all of your pre-loaded contacts for you to choose from. \ \ Once you have selected your contact, click on 'Load Contact' to add it to your itinerary.
**Note:** To add in your Car Rental contact you will need to add a Car Hire. Contact details for Scheduled Flights are dependant on the Airline you have selected.
**In the Planner Step** When working with 'Meet & Greet' services in the Planner Step, you can import your contacts as well. The [Meet & Greet]( user guide can provide you with more information on how to create them in your account.
**Note:** When adding [Day Routes]( to your Planner step, you will be able to import your loaded contacts to the transport that you have arranged.
**In the Review Step** In this step you will be able to load all of the 'Important Contacts' you would like to make available to the traveller while they are on the trip.  Scroll down until you find the section 'Important Contacts'. 
Here you will have the option to either 'Add Contact' which will allow you to manually add in the contact information.
Alternatively, you can select 'Load Contact' and choose one or more contacts from your pre-loaded list you have added in your Admin. 
**Note:** Contact details that you have added in the Itinerary Builder will only be visible to your clients via the Printable Outputs or the TravelKey App.
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