Create Lesson Plan

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  • OnelearningplatformOnelearningplatform
  • CaeducatorstogetherCaeducatorstogether

Creating a Lesson Plan

To create a lesson plan: 1. *Log in* and *access* your Dashboard or Curriculum Landing page. 2. *Click* on the Action Center and select Lesson Plan
From the **Build a Lesson Modal**, *add* Title and Lesson Overview. *Click* Create.
You will be directed to **Choose a Blueprint**. *Click* on the template icon and then *click* on the blue select blueprint button. **Note**: *Unless a specific blueprint has been set up for you or your agency, you will only have access to the General Lesson Plan Template. The General Template is the one utilized in this guide.*
*Build* your Lesson by completing the fields within the Lesson Plan Template: **Main Column of Lesson:** - Lesson Title - Lesson Overview - Student Learning Goals/ Objectives - Activities in this Lesson - Activity - Assessment - \+ Add Additional Component **Left Column of Lesson:** - Lesson Icon image - Lesson Information - Standards - ELD Scaffolds - Universal Design for Learning Guidelines ***See the additional steps below for more information on the sections within the lesson plan template***

Lesson Template Sections

The **Activities in this Lesson Section** is where the lesson activities are placed. - *Click* the pencil next to the 'Activities in This Section' to change the title to one applicable to your lesson - Activity blocks can be removed by *clicking* on the X in the top right corner of the applicable activity Within each Activity Block, the following fields exist: - *Activity Title* - *Activity Type* - *Teacher notes:* use this space to provide notes helpful for a teacher when delivering this lesson to students. - *Learning Approach*: use this space to provide the activity work the students will be completing
The **Assessment section** is where an assessment for the lesson can be added. If there is not an assessment, this block can be removed from the lesson by *clicking* the **X** in the top right corner. If this is used, select Assessment Type or use the text box to type in an assessment type that is not included in the list of types to select from. *Add* an **Assessment Description** and select **Formative** or **Summative Assessment**
**Additional Lesson Plan Components** can be added to the Lesson Plan Templated. Once added, use the arrows on the left side of the block to drag to desired location within the template.

Other Lesson Plan Tools

In addition to the Lesson Plan components that create the Lesson Plan Template, some additional tools exists on the lesson plan: - **Ability to make a copy of the Lesson Plan**: Lessons that have been made public within California Educators Together typically have the feature turned on that allow registered users to make a copy of a lesson they find and would like to use. Making a copy provides a user their own copy that they can edit as applicable to their class needs. The **copy button** is located on the toolbar on the right side of the lesson. - **Reviewer tool**: Lessons have a Reviewer tool that is meant to be used as a coaching tool for instructional coaches and teachers. When the author of a lesson grants Reviewer permissions to another user, that user can then use the tool to leave comments through the different components of the lesson. Only the lesson author and those with reviewer permissions can see the comments. This tool is located in the toolbar on the right side of the lesson
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