Create a Marketing Opportunity

    • 0 step

    Create the Opportunity or Item

    Click "Invoices"
    Click "Marketing & Services"
    Click "Add Opportunity".

    Opportunity/Item Details

    Select "Task Category "
    Tip! Task Categories can be customized to your team's needs. Please reach out to your System Owner Admin to update these categories.
    Select "Ledger Account"
    Alert! You must ensure that your appropriate accounts are enabled in accounting settings in order for them to be available to select from this menu.
    Fill out the "Name" field for the task.
    If using variants - add the name of the first option here.
    Add the "Description".

    Select Opportunity Options

    There are a number of options you can enable for Marketing Opportunities. See below.
    **Taxable:** Taxable purchases can vary from state to state, so this feature makes it easy to collect tax if the service your business provides should be taxed.
    **Restrict for Admin Invoicing:** This feature allows you to create a one-off invoice for an agent as well as hide an opportunity from the main catalog agent view.
    **Listing Selection Required:** This option gives you the ability to require a listing or listings to be selected for this marketing opportunity. For example, require listing selection for a brochure.
    **Invoice Upon Task Completion:** Selecting this option will allow your team to update or verify an invoice when they complete the task. For example, if you create an opportunity that has cost per hour, you can edit the hours the project took and send the invoice to the agent.
    **Featured on Agent Dashboard:** This selection will allow you to add the opportunity as a "highlighted" item on the main Agent Dashboard. For example, if your Brokerage runs special weekly or monthly ads this is a great place to showcase those items.
    Featured on Agent Dashboard Example
    Featured on Listing Detail: This option will allow you to highlight this opportunity on the Listing Detail page.
    Tip! Best practices tip: Use this option for your most requested items or use this for listing needs like inspections and sign post ordering.
    Featured on Listing Detail Example
    **New Listing Marketing:** The selection of this option will add this opportunity to the automatically generated task, Listing Marketing Service. This will give your agents an easy place to quickly select the items they want to order for their listing. This selection will also allow you to use the "Target Audience" feature. See the next step for more information on Target Audience.
    **Target Audience**: Select "Add Audience" if applicable. ***Audiences are only utilized on the New Listing Marketing task.*** This will allow you to set parameters for the listings that can choose this opportunity.
    **For Example:** If you have a listing that qualifies for a special brochure at a certain price point you can add that parameter here in Target Audience. Then any listing that falls under that parameter will see this brochure as an option in their Listing Marketing Service task.
    **Task Approval Skipped:** This option will bypass the approval step in the workflow. This allows your team to save a step if you have an opportunity that does not need an agent/assistant to "approve" in order to complete the task request.

    Setting Pricing | Market vs. Vendor vs. Default

    Market Price \[MSRP\]: Setting a price using our MSRP allows you to show the "value" of an item but not charge the agent. You can select both fixed or tiered pricing.
    Tip! Using the MSRP feature you can show your agents the value that your Brokerage provides by tracking their "marketing savings". The MSRP savings is totaled on the Broker 360 Report to show total Marketing Savings per agent.
    **Vendor Price:** This option will let you set the pricing from your vendor when building a vendor service marketing opportunity. This can be either a fixed price, or a tiered price.
    Default Price: This sets the standard default price for a marketing opportunity. This can be either a tiered price or fixed rate.
    Tip! If building a variant, each option can have it's own pricing.

    Opportunity Media & Samples

    Click here to add cover image.
    Click "Upload"
    Tip! When using variants, you can add a unique image per variant.
    Click "Drop files here or click to upload" in order to upload samples. (Please upload all samples in image / pdf format.)"

    Specific Order Form Instructions

    Tip! Utilizing our Instruction Editor, you can build order forms to meet your specific needs per marketing Opportunity.
    Click "View in Instruction Editor" to add specific order instructions. You can set required fields, character counts, multiple selection options, and more with the Instruction Editor.
    Click "Add New Instruction"
    Fill out the instruction name and description.
    Select "Instruction Type". This will allow you to specify the type of instruction you need the agent to fill out. This can be dates, times, options, text boxes, etc...
    Tip! Use the text character count to match your template. You can also set the required fields.
    Click "Add"
    Click "Close"
    Click "EDIT MARKETING OPPORTUNITY" link to navigate back to the marketing opportunity you are working on.
    Once finished entering all information needed, click "Save"
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