Custom Boat Routes

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

In order to add a boat trip or cruise to your Itinerary, you will need to build the route in the Route Builder Step of your Itinerary.

Adding the Boat Mode of Transport

From the drop-down list next to Mode, select 'Boat'. This will open the 'Fixed Route List - Boat' browser screen.
**Note:** Boat (No Route) is a boat trip with no routing and will not display a specific route on your itinerary but rather a direct line between the start and end point.
The list of routes displayed here are fixed routings for the most popular boat trips in tourist destinations, however, in most cases, you will have to add a Custom Route.

Adding a Custom Route

Adding a Custom Route, you will need to select ‘Custom Route’ at the bottom left corner of the screen.
This will open the 'Custom Route Builder - Boat' screen with the stops of travel you have selected for the boat travel.
To start building the route, you will be able to click on the map to start drawing your custom route between your stops. Once you start clicking on the map the line between the points will move as you select a new routing.
On the top right-hand corner, you are able to remove the previous point created or clear all points you have added. To save the custom route select the ‘Okay’ at the bottom.
Zooming in and out allows you to ensure that the custom route you have added does not cross overland but stays sea-bound.
On Route Builder, you will now see that the Custom Route you have built is being displayed on the Map preview.

How to Reverse a Custom Route

In the instance where you need to return to the same accommodation or destination as before, you can select the Custom Route you have built to take you back to your starting point. i.e. Cape Town Harbour - East London Harbour - back to Cape Town Harbour. To load your existing Custom Route, simply select 'Load Existing Route' at the bottom right of the screen on the return journey.

How the Boat Route will be displayed on the Itinerary

**Classic or Virtual Itinerary**\ The route that you have built as a Custom Route will be displayed in the Map overview of the Itinerary.
**Discovery Itinerary**\ The Custom boat route will display as a route in your main Map display.
**Wetu Suggests:** When building a cruise or boat in the Itinerary it is only available for that specific Itinerary. If you use that cruise often, build it as a  [Component]( and add it to your Itineraries. This way you only build the route once but can use it multiple times.
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