Day Notes, Expert Tips, Includes and Excludes

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

To start adding any specific notes for your travellers regarding daily arrangements, you would need to be in the 'Planner' step of the itinerary builder.

Adding the Note/s

Once in the Planner Step, you can scroll to the bottom of the screen to add notes to either the Day Itinerary or Expert Tips sections.   **Day Itinerary**\ This is where you are able to add notes to your itinerary explaining what the clients will be doing on that specific day of the journey. You will notice that once you fill in some information, a red dot will appear, indicating that there is text in the section. This will help you to easily see where you have entered information should you need to edit your itinerary at a later stage. 
**Expert Tips**\ This is where you are able to provide your clients with additional information that could be of use to them. i.e. what they need to bring along to best to prepare for the days activities.
**Note:** The note fields are all free text fields and there is virtually no limit to the amount of information you are able to write here. You are also able to make use of bullet points and numbering to list ideas or places where your clients will be going.
**Included**\ This is where you can specify anything included on a specific day of the tour.
**Excluded**\ This is where you can specify anything excluded on a specific day of the tour.

Where to view your Notes the Itinerary Outputs

Go to the Additional Details Step and click on 'Preview Itinerary' in the bottom right corner in order to view the Digital Itinerary.

Itinerary Notes on the Outputs

All the Day Itinerary, Expert Tips, Inclusions and Exclusion notes you have added to the Planner step of the itinerary builder will display on the digital outputs as indicated below.
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