Navigate to Trip solutions and click 'Personal Itineraries'. All of your existing Itineraries are available on the right-hand side.
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In this example, we will look at Disabling and Enabling Personal Itineraries, however, the same logic applies to Sample Itineraries, Components and Publishable Tours.
**Note:** The above screen may vary depending on what functionality you have enabled on your account
Disabling an Itinerary, Component or Day Tour
On the Itinerary Browser screen, click on the Personal Itinerary you wish to disable. Then click the 'Disable/Enable' toggle switch.
The itinerary will now be greyed out to indicate that it has been disabled.
You can also disable multiple Itineraries at once. From the Itinerary Browser screen, select the radio button next to all the itineraries that you wish to disable.\
A menu will appear at the top of the screen allowing you to disable all the itineraries selected.
Once an itinerary has been disabled, your travelers will no longer be able to access your Digital, Discovery or Virtual itinerary. \
They will have a message on the Landing Page notifying them to contact you for more information.
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The above display may vary depending on your package and chosen output.
Enabling an Itinerary, Component or Day Tour
In the Itinerary Browser, click on the Itinerary that you would like to enable and click on 'Enable'.
The Itinerary is now enabled and can be accessed by your travelers.
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key