Email from Wetu

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  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

To send a client an email directly from Wetu, access your Itinerary Builder and open an existing itinerary.

Emailing an Itinerary

Navigate to the Additional Details step and you will find the 'Email Client Link' button where you will be able to select your preferred itinerary output to send to your client.
A pop-up will appear where you can enter the email address you want the email to be sent to, the email address you are sending the email from, enter or amend the subject line, select a template and enter or amend the message. If you entered an email address in the Itinerary Details step, that email address will automatically populate the email address field, but you can amend this. To send the itinerary via email to more than one person, separate the email addresses with a  comma ( ,  ) or semi colon ( ; ). For example; or, You can select the email address to send the email from based on the email address entered in 'Company Details' of your account as well as the email address of the user account.

Personalising the Message

Each Email Template has space for you to enter a short personalised message for the client who will be receiving the email.  We have pre-populated this space with a generic message that you can amend or completely replace before sending it to the client. 
**Suggestion:** The ideal message length should be between 150-180 characters. However, there is no limit to the number of characters you can enter.

Email Templates

There are 3 different Email Templates that you can choose from when sending an email to a client.\ \ **Standard Email Template**
**Hero Email Template**
**Sidebar Email Template**
**Note:** If you have not entered a Trip Summary, that section of the template will fall away on the Standard and Hero Email Template and will be replaced by 'About Us' on the Sidebar Email Template.
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