Excel - correcting text case formatting

    • iTG Technologies |
    • 0 step |
    • 32 seconds

      Download Sample Sheet

      Download our sample spreadsheet. [https://itgtechnologiesltd.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/SalesandMarketing/EaqI5ELeORVHkUOpjokpniABCJFn-ahBuRjxuFfuW7YhEw?e=TrQHHo](https://itgtechnologiesltd.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/SalesandMarketing/EaqI5ELeORVHkUOpjokpniABCJFn-ahBuRjxuFfuW7YhEw?e=TrQHHo) [[File > Save as > Download as a copy]]

      How to use the PROPER function

      Open your excel data set with incorrectly formatted information.
      In this example you will note that the list of first names has been poorly formatted with lots of different font cases being used.
      Click into the column next to where the badly formatted values are. In this example "B1".
      Give this new cell a title then press [[enter]]. In this case we have used "Corrected".
      Click into the cell below your new heading - we've used "B2" in this example - then press on the "Formula Bar".
      The formula you are going to use is called [[PROPER]] In the Formula Bar Type [[=PROPER(]] 'Equals followed by PROPER followed by an open round bracket'
      Then click on cell "A2" or the first box where data is incorrectly formatted.
      Then Type [[)]] and press [[enter]]
      The first corrected value has now been added. Double click the small square in the bottom right corner of the cell field - this will auto fill in the rest of the column with the same formula.
      You have successfully corrected all the incorrectly formatted text in your spreadsheet.

      Useful Commands

      Tip! Just as you used the [[PROPER]] command to change the formatting to have a capital letter at the start and lowercase for the rest of the word, you can also use: [[UPPER]] this will change the incorrect text values to 'UPPERCASE' [[LOWER]] this will change the incorrect text values to 'lowercase' Give it a try ๐Ÿ˜Š
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