General System Navigation


        COMING SOON If your Brokerage participates in displaying "Coming Soon" listings, this is where they will appear.
        BUYER NEEDS Here, Agents are able to add "Buyer Needs," and share specifically what they're looking for. This feature, along with "Coming Soon" listings, promotes in-Brokerage transactions.
        TASKS Any tasks that have either been created or assigned will appear here.
        UPCOMING EVENTS This section provides a list of any upcoming events that have been scheduled. This can be integrated with a public Google Calendar or Eventbrite.
        LINKS & DOCUMENTS Links or Documents that are regularly used within your Brokerage can be displayed here, allowing for quick, easy access.
        DOCUMENT LISTS Should there be any Listing or Transaction Documents that are pending review, they will display here.


        MAIN NAVIGATION BAR Now let's look at the main navigation bar.
        TASKS Tasks that are either user-generated or system-generated can be found in the Tasks table.
        LISTINGS Here is where all Listings are located.
        TRANSACTIONS And here is where all Transactions are located.
        DOCUMENT LISTS In this tab you'll find Listing & Transaction Documents that have been uploaded to the system.
        INVOICES & MARKETING Anything pertaining to Marketing & Services Opportunities, as well as Agent Invoicing can be found here.
        MARKETING & SERVICES Notice that Marketing Opportunities is located within the "Invoices" tab. However, in the Agent View, the Marketing module will display as its own tab.
        AGENTS Here you can view and/or edit the Brokerage Agent Roster.
        REPORTS Quickly gain access to a variety of reports by utilizing the Reports Tab.
        CONTACTS As you make connections with potential buyers, you may wish to store their contact information in the system - this will allow you to create buyer-specific documents prior to a transaction.
        INTEGRATIONS Here is where you can export data from the system.
        SYSTEM PROFILE Use this dropdown to edit your profile or access Support and Tutorial links. Admins will also use this dropdown to exit an agent profile impersonation.
        SEARCH FEATURE To quickly find a variety of elements within the system, utilize the Quick Search feature by clicking the magnifying glass icon. Easily search for Listings, Transactions, Agents, Links, and Invoices by using either an address, MLS number, or Agent Name.
        GLOBAL SEARCH RESULTS Based on your input, the system will initiate a global search to deliver any/all results that match. Agent results will appear in the center column, listings will appear in the left column, and transactions, links and invoices will appear in the right column.
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