Overview on the General Ledger Enquiry

  • Trojan Support User |
  • 0 step |
  • 2 minutes
  • ThriveaccountsThriveaccounts
Navigate to <https://app.thriveaccounts.com/> and open the General Ledger module.
Click "General Ledger Enquiry"
the only required field is a general ledger account - choose one from the list by searching by account code or name.
Note: If the General Ledger code you select is a Profit & Loss type code, you can only view the range of periods within each financial year.
This restriction does not apply for balance sheet codes.
The opening and closing balances will be shown above the list - closing balance is the current balance.
Your gl account transactions will be ordered by period, with the oldest at the top,
with newer ones at the bottom.
You can increase the number of records using the records dropdown.
You can see the transaction type, and transaction number here.
You can drill through to the original transaction clicking the transaction number.
To return to your gl enquiry, click the previous link in your breadcrumb history in the top left - "General Ledger Enquiry", followed by the account code.
In the middle we have the reference for a transaction and the description - what account was used.
Lastly, the value of the transaction followed by a running balance are located on the right.
There are options to filter your search - such as to a range of periods,
to a specific department
And the option to filter to a single transaction type.
Click "RUN ENQUIRY" again to apply your filter.
For any further information on the General Ledger Enquiry, contact the support team.
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