How To Create a Basic Attendance Report

    • Julie Ramoz |
    • 0 step |
    • 3 minutes
    On the top of the header look for the tab labeled "Reports". Hover over it, then click "Create Report".
    Here is the Basic tab, where we will be entering in all of the basic information of our report, such as the Name, which module we will be using, how many charts we *may* want to create per row and who created the report.
    The "Assigned to:" box will initially display "admin" as the default value. However, if you're creating the report, you can change it to your own name. There are two methods to do this: Click on the arrow next to the box. A pop-up box will appear, allowing you to search for any user by their first name, last name, or username. Alternatively, you can simply type in the name of the person creating the report to change the assigned user.
    Here in the "Report Module" we can select the module we want our report to work from.
    Here in "Charts per Row" we can choose the amount of charts that we want to create per row, keep in mind that this only applies if we want out report to used charts .
    If you are not sure if you want your reports to have charts, leave it as is, as we can always go back and change it.
    Here in the Module tree we have "Daily Attendance" our main Report Module as well as "Contact" the module that contains all of the contact information for each user.
    The other tabs like "Group Activity", "Security Groups", "Assigned to User", "Created by User", and "Modified by User" we will NEVER use your a report.
    For this report we will be using the "Who attended?", "Time In", "Time Out", "Social Event", "Date of Attendance" fields. These fields can be found in the fields box once we select the Daily Attendance branch in the module tree box.
    In the "Conditions" we can add rules to our report to ensure that we get the specific results that we want.
    For this report we want to know what members attended the clubhouse during a given time. But that means that we only need to see data entered in by members, this condition is easily set simply follow these steps.
    Locate and click on the "Contact" module in the module tree. Scroll through the fields box until you find the "Contact Record Type" field. Verify that the value of this field is set to the "Member" option.
    When creating a report that you want to ONLY show member data make sure to include the previous condition as it will be used throughout MANY reports.
    Our next condition will allow the user to input ANY set period they would like to see the members daily attendance from. This can be a little complicated to understand at first but just like the previous condition it will a common condition for MANY reports.
    Click the "Daily Attendance" module, the find the "Date of Attendance" field. We will need to select this field two times for this set of conditions.
    Change the first operator of the first "Date of Attendance" field to "Greater Than or Equal To" and the second operator to "Less Than or Equal To". Changing our operators this way will allow the user to select a time between any two dates. The first being the earliest and the second being the latest. Lastly we want to check the box under the Parameters column to make sure that we are able to set these conditions before we generate the report.
    Once you are done adding in conditions save the report by clicking the SAVE button.
    The report is missing specific dates to display the information. To resolve this, we just need to specify a range of dates for the information we want.
    Click on the first calendar to enter in the first date, and click on the second calendar to enter in our second date. Then click UPDATE to generate the report.
    Here is the data for our report is how all of the members who attended the clubhouse between the dates of 05/01/23 to 05/29/23, the times they clocked in and out on those days, whether it was for a social event and the date in which they attended.

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