How To View & Create A Form Template

  • Paul Wood |
  • 0 step |
  • 4 minutes
  • ZoneeeZoneee
Click "Settings"
Click "Patient Form Templates"
This page will show you all clinic templates, if you would like to edit a form click onto the template and it will open up
If you would like to create a new template, Click "Add Template"
First box is "Form Name"
Click this icon to add a question
Add "Section Name"
Add "Question"
Select the "Question Type" box this will allow you to choose what option the customer fills out, whether it is multiple choice, short text or paragraph If you would like your customer to fill out their "Personal Details" and it to automatically go over to the Personal Details tab on Zoneee you need to make sure you use the boxes that are under "Patient Fields" you will have to scroll down within the question type tab
By selecting "Required" this means the customer cannot submit the form without filling out the field (Switch will turn Blue)
"Duplicate" will duplicate the previous question
As shown below first name, last name & date of birth have been selected instead of short text or paragraph this is so it will be carried over to the Personal Details tab on Zoneee
You will need to do the same with Address, Phone Number and Email
Click "Add Section" to have another header for additional questions
Click one of the options in this instance "Paragraph"
Type and Add as many Questions as you like
Click "Multiple choice"
This shows how to add multiple choice questions
Click "Add Option" to add as many options as required
Once you have finished all questions you can - Click "Preview" and it will show you what the customer sees
Click "Patient Form Templates" to go back
You will then see your new template added to the list
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