How to Create a Collection

  • 0 step
  • OnelearningplatformOnelearningplatform
  • CaeducatorstogetherCaeducatorstogether
  • AlaskaeducationexchangeAlaskaeducationexchange
  • DigecosystemDigecosystem
  • CorelearnCorelearn
From the **Dashboard** page you find the "Action Center" widget. **Click** "*Create and Share*!"
From the dropdown menu, **select** "*Create a Collection*"
**Click** the "Title" field, and add the title of your collection.
**Click** the "Description" field, and write a brief description of the contents of your collection.
Once finished with the collection title and description, **select** "Create" in the bottom left.
**Part 2:** Now that you've created your collection, you can finish setting it up by embedding resources, adding a thumbnail, and customizing tags.\ \ **Note:** *selections for all of these tags are not mandatory, however, they are highly encouraged and will help users navigate your collection and its embedded resources.*
**Click** "Search For Items to Add to Collection".
If the item you are adding to your collection is already in the platform, proceed to step 9. If you would like to add a new object to the platform to add to your collection, click on the +Add New Resource button in the top left corner of the Add to Collection Modal. Follow the prompts to add the object (Resource) to the platform. Once the object (Resource) is added to the platform, it will display in the Add to Collection Modal. Click on the object (Resource) thumbnail to add (**see step 10**)
**Search** for the resource(s) you would like to add to your collection by using the "Search" bar.\ \ **Note:** *You can filter your search by "Object Type" and "Sharing" by accessing the dropdown menus next to the search bar.*
Once you've selected the resources you would like to add, **click** "Select" in the bottom left.
For the collection tags (**Keywords**, **Subjects, Grades, Audience, License, and Standards**) **click** "Edit" next to the respective tag and chose the option(s) that reflect the curriculum offered in the collection. Once all corresponding options have been selected, make sure to **click** "Save" to ensure your changes update.\ \ **Note:** *Adding tags to your collection will help users locate, identify, and navigate to your collection and around its contents. Adding tags to your collection is highly recommended.*
Once all required fields have been completed, **click** the "Save" icon to save all changes and updates made to your collection. All Collections you create can be accessed on the **Dashboard** under **My Collections.**
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