How to Create an Account on

        ***My Second*** is the name of the login area of Second's website. If this is your first time visiting My Second and you don't have an account, click the Register button below the username and password prompts.
        Enter the username you would like to use. They system will show a green message if that username is available. We recommend using your email address as a user ID.
        **Choose a Secure Password!**\ \ Passwords must be at least 12 characters long and includes an uppercase, lowercase, number, and special character. If you experience five failed login attempts within one minute, the person's login will be locked. If you forget your password later, you may use the password reset feature for uninterrupted access.
        Complete the remaining information. Please enter as many identifying details as possible. This will aid our system in matching your account to the information we already have in the system so that you can access your groups.
        Once all of your details have been entered, please click the "Next" button.
        If your information matches Second's system, you will receive a message like this to pick your existing account. If none of these are you, you can say that this is a new person / account. Then click "Next".
        If you are new to Second (or your information did not match up), your account will be created at this point. You will receive a confirmation message that your account has been created. Click "Continue" to see your account profile page. If you already have data in Second's system, you will receive an email to activate your account.
        Alert! If you are already in Second's system, you will have to receive the email to activate your account. While we understand that this adds another step to the process, this is for the security of your data.
        If you already had a username / password with us, you will receive this message. You can choose to receive an email with your username. This email will also contain a link to the Forgot Password process so that you can reset your password as well and get back in to your account.
        If the information your provided when creating your login matches the information in our system, you will see you and your family's profile.\ \ Please [use this guide]( to learn how to update your personal information with the church.
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