How to Delete a Tenant?

  • Tanvir Mahedi |
  • 0 step |
  • 42 seconds
  • MipropertyportalMipropertyportal
Access the **Admin Portal** by logging in.
Once a tenant has **moved out** of the property, you can **delete** a tenant. Click on "**Tenant Management**" dropdown on the left navigation to start that
Click on "**Tenant**" under "Tenant Management" dropdown
Click on "**View Details**" option of the chosen tenant that you want **to delete**
Once in the "Tenant Details" page, click on the "**Action**" dropdown on the far right side of the screen
Click on "**Delete Tenant"** option
Click on **"Yes,Delete"** option to finish up.
**Alert-Deleted tenants might be disabled if there are existing invoices**
The page will pop up the way it is on the screen once the tenant is deleted
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