How to Modify Tenant Details in the Mi Property Portal?( Tenant Management Section)

    • Tanvir Mahedi |
    • 0 step |
    • 19 minutes
    Alert- You can edit/change/update first name, last name, pronouns, move in date note section generally from tenant management for a tenant
    Access the **Admin Portal** by logging in.
    Click on "**Tenant Management" dropdown** under "**Administration**" on the left navigation
    Click on "**Tenant**" under "**Tenant Management" dropdown** on the left navigation
    Search for the tenant by entering their details in the "**Search**" field on the "**Tenant/List**" page.
    Navigate to the "**Tenant Details**" page by clicking on the **tenant's name.**
    Once into the "Tenant Details" page, click on the **dropdown** menu labeled "**Action**" located on the right side of the screen.
    Select the "**Edit Tenant Info**" option.
    You have the option to change the "**First Name**" and "**Last Name** " fields according to your preference here.
    You can put your tenant's preferential name under "**Preferred Name**" field
    You can choose gender identity, category, and other options from the dropdown menu provided under the "**Gender**" field.
    You also have the choice to select pronouns from the dropdown menu under the "**Pronouns**" field.
    You can select the date of birth under the "**Date Of Birth**" menu field
    Please add a business name under "**Business Name**" if it applies
    If applicable, ensure to include the move-in date under "**Move In Date**".
    Include any tenancy number associated with the tenant in the "**Tenancy Number"** field.**
    To activate or deactivate the generation of rental invoices, click on the "**Yes" or "No**" option located below the "**Auto-generate rental invoice**" feature.
    Toggle the "**Yes" or "No**" option under the "**Auto Pay**" Non-Rental Invoices feature to **enable or disable** non-rental invoice generation.
    Select "**NSF Admin Fee**" to input the amount of the NSF fee.
    Toggle the "**Yes" or "No**" option under the "**Auto generate NSF invoice**" feature to **enable or disable** NSF invoice generation.
    Select "**Note**:" field to input any comment, observations about the tenant
    Tip- This information will not be visible to the tenant. Only landlord/admin can view this note
    Click on "**Update**" to finish up
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