How to Use Helix Automated Yields?

  • 0 step
  • InjectiveInjective
  • MetamaskMetamask
  • HelixappHelixapp
To get started, deposit assets onto Helix—the premier on-chain derivatives exchange built on Injective. Visit Injective Bridge to make your deposit.\ \ Navigate to <> and connect your wallet. If you already have assets on Helix, please skip to step 10.
Click "Metamask".
Select "Ethereum" from the dropdown menu as the original source.
Select "USDT" as the asset to transfer and make sure it has USDT balance.
Enter the amount that you would like to bridge.
Click "Review Deposit".
Click "Confirm" and sign the transaction in your MetaMask wallet.
You need to pay a small amount in ETH gas fees to bridge tokens from Ethereum (but don’t worry there won’t be any gas fees on Injective!). Click “Approve” to continue. Once you have set an allowance, you will be able to transfer your assets to Injective.
Your transaction has been confirmed. Click "View on explorer" to check your transaction hash.
Next navigate to<> and click "Portfolio".
Click "Balances". You are able to view the assets that you have been bridged over.
Click "Deposit" under the "Helix Automated Yields" section.
Input the amount of USDT you would like to deposit and click submit.
Sign the transaction. Congrats, you've successfully deposited stablecoins into the USDT lending pool on Neptune to automatically earn yield without leaving Helix.
You can also check your balance at <> and explore more.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not financial or investment advice. The information contained in this article is intended to be current at the time of publication but may not remain so indefinitely.
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