How to use Travel Details

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  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

You will be able to locate the 'Travel Detail' section in the third tab of the Itinerary Builder. Each of these services pulls directly from your booking system. You also are able to manually edit travel service arrangements and directions.

Edit Transfer Details

The details that pull directly from your booking will be 'Company Name', 'Mode', 'First Location', 'Second Location', 'First Time', 'Second Time' and 'Date'.  Select the Edit Details Icon to edit the standard details as well as all in all the client-specific details. The below example illustrates the transfer options where you can select both an icon as well as a type. Depending on the service, the options will change.

Edit Transfer Route

The transfer route is populated in Wetu directly from Google. Should you wish to edit these, select the Edit Details icon.
The Route will show as a blue line across the map and the direction along the right-hand side. The directions are greyed out as this is a Transfer and there are no direction functions for Transfers. If you wish to change the route, click and drag the blue line to the correct routing. You are able to Zoom into the map to see the roads and add a more accurate route.

Adding Self Drive

When clients have Self Drive legs in their itineraries, they will not automatically pull through from your booking system. When there are Self Drive legs in your itinerary, select the 'Add Self Drive' option. This will add the legs. The routes will start and end at the various hotels.
To remove the self drive, select 'Reset' and they will be removed from your itinerary.
**Note:** The reset button is only available  **directly** after you have added the Self Drives. If you change tabs or save after adding Self Drives you will need to manually delete the Self Drive Routes.

Editing Self Drive Routes

The Self Drive Routes and directions will be populated directly from Google Maps. for more details on how the directions work, [see this document]( You will access the map differently, however, the directions work in the same manner.

Adding Additional Arrangements

When there are legs missing in your itinerary, either because they do not need to be added into your costing or because the Self Drive automatically goes between hotels only, you are able to select 'Add Arrangement' and add the leg of the journey into the itinerary. This additional line can then be edited as per the above options.  To do this, simply select Add Arrangement.
Once selected, a drop-down menu will allow you to choose the travel arrangement you'd like to add. The modal for that travel arrangement will pop up so that you can add in the relevant information pertaining to your newly added travel arrangement.
This will open the Transfer - Booking Details Modal will open and you will be able to add in your Booking Details.

Flight Lookup

The details that pull directly from your booking will be **'Flight Company Name', 'Departure & Arrival Airport', 'Date' and 'Flight Time'**
In order to utilise the flight lookup function, **re-enter** the **flight company name, insert the flight number,** and **click on 'Get Flight Details'**. This will then populate the fight details in your itinerary.
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