Inclusion Types

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

To add Inclusion Types for all of the activities you have added to your itinerary you will need to be in the 'Planner' step of your itinerary builder.

Adding Inclusion Types

From the drop-down menu, you will get to select the inclusion type based on your arrangements. \ \ **Planned**\ This will be for any services that are included in the quoted cost of your package\ \ **Recommended**\ This is used to indicated any suggested experiences you would like your clients to consider. Recommended experience are often times not included and not arranged by you. **Optional**\ These services are not included in the quoted cost of your package, however, you can arrange this at an additional cost for your clients. **Information**\ Here we would be using this inclusion type for any sight and attractions or locations that the traveler will pass by but not necessarily visit/spend time at but you would like them to know more about what they are seeing along the way.
**Note:** 'Planned' is the default setting for inclusion types, this means you would need to actively check and update it accordingly.

How Inclusion Types Display on the Itinerary Outputs

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