Itemizing Transactions

      Alert! Never choose the option to split the transaction. This is not a function you will ever use, and doing so destroys the data of the transaction, creating additional work for both the church and myXP. Instead, continue following this guide to **ITEMIZE** a transaction properly.
      Login to []( Click "Expenses"
      Select the transaction you would like to itemize to open the details.
      Click "Itemize"
      Select Add Another line to add as many categories as this one transaction will share.
      Fill in all the details for each category that this transaction will be itemized across. Ensure that each portion of the expense is assigned the correct category and that the total amount remains accurate.
      If the total does not match the credit card expense, you will see the alert above, as credit card expense totals cannot be edited. Ensure that all itemized amounts add up correctly to avoid this issue. Correct your split until your total is correct and you can save and close the transaction.
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