Below we have compiled a list of all of the details that will be shared with your potential traveller in the Discovery Itinerary
**Company Details**\
The following company details, captured in the Admin pages, are displayed in the Discovery Itinerary.
- Company Name
- Company Logo
- Website
- Company Phone Number
- Company Emergency Phone Number
- Company Email
- Social media links, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest
- Company Description
- Company Terms and Conditions
**User Details**\
The following user details, captured in the Admin pages, are displayed in the Discovery Itinerary.
- Consultant Name
- Consultant Photo
- Email Address
- Contact Number
- Description about yourself
When an Identity is selected on an itinerary, the following details, captured in the Admin pages, are displayed in the Discovery Itinerary.
- Identity Logo
- Identity Name
- Identity Email
- Identity Website
- Identity Phone
- Identity Emergency Phone