Launch A New AI Chat Site

  • Liat Hoffman |
  • 0 step |
  • 29 seconds
  • DevopserDevopser
Navigate to [](
Click "Add New Site"
Click "Select Template"
Fill in the site detail - site name should ideally be less than 16 characters and all lowercase, no spaces.
Add the GitHub Username for the GitHub user that will be added as a collaborator to the Github repo for the site application code, and who will manage site gitops.
Mail App Password is something you get from your mail provider - see the docs for provider specific instructions.
The email must be associated with the App Password - ensure it's the correct email so the site's mail server will work.
Add in the email address and password of your application's Admin user(s) - this user will have admin access to the Flask Admin panel. (Can be updated after site launch)
Add any additional secrets - the format is in json:\ [[{]]\ [["key1": "value1",]]\ [["key2": "value2"]]\ [[ }]]
Click "Launch Site"
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