Lease Creation

    • Tanvir Mahedi |
    • 0 step |
    • 11 minutes
    Navigate to Admin Portal Dashboard
    From the admin dashboard on the left navigation, under "Sales & Marketing" click on "Prospective Tenants" "Prospective Tenants"
    On the Chosen-Prospect line item, click on the 'View Details' icon under the "Action" column, it will redirect you to the Prospect/Lead details page
    On the top right side of the screen, click on the "Action" dropdown
    Click on "Create Lease"
    Click on the dropdown under "Please select a unit number\*: Unit selection is required"
    Click on "Start Lease Process" button on the pop-up window. Then follow thorugh the \* steps, which can be done by 2 minutes, tops as there will already be prefilled information
    Select Landlord/Property Manager (who will sign the lease)"
    Also on step 7, you can include the additional terms
    Click on "Yes,Submit" to confirm the creation of lease
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