Locking Itineraries

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

Navigate to Trip solutions and click 'Personal Itineraries'. All of your existing Itineraries are available on the right-hand side.
In this example, we will look at locking and unlocking Personal Itineraries, however, the same logic applies to Sample Itineraries as well as Components. 
**Note:** The above screen may vary depending on what functionality you have enabled on your account

Locking an Itinerary, Component or Day Tour

On the Itinerary Browser screen, select the Personal Itinerary you wish to lock for editing. Then click the Lock toggle switch.\ \ The itinerary will now have a lock next to it confirming that the itinerary is locked.
You can also lock multiple Itineraries at once. From the Itinerary Browser screen, select the radio button next to all the itineraries that you wish to lock. A menu will appear at the top of the screen allowing you to lock all the itineraries selected.
**Note:** You are able to lock and unlock your own Itineraries, Components and Day Tours. Admin users can lock any users' Itineraries, Components or Day Tours.
This Itinerary can still be sent to clients and it will not affect what the client has access to, it just cannot be edited. If any user tries to edit a locked Itinerary, there will be a pop up indication who the Itinerary was locked by. It can then be unlocked by the user who created it or an Admin. 
If you are an Admin or it is your own Itinerary, you can unlock it. 
To lock a Component or Day Tour, the same steps as above need to be followed. 

Unlocking an Itinerary, Component or Day Tour

In the Itinerary Browser, click on the Itinerary that you would like to unlock and click on 'Unlock'**.**
You can also unlock multiple Itineraries at once. From the Itinerary Browser screen, select the radio button next to all the itineraries that you wish to unlock. A menu will appear at the top of the screen allowing you to unlock all the itineraries selected. The Itinerary is now unlocked and can be edited again as usual.
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