Managing Supplier Images

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  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

Once you have logged into your account, navigate to the Account Setup and click on 'Account' on the navigation panel on the left. If you do not have the Account function, please ask the person in charge of your Wetu account for permission to access this.
From there, select the 'Suppliers Tab' to view your list of preferred suppliers.

Customising your Images

Click on 'Custom Images' in the Suppliers tab and a new window will open up where you will be able to customise the images for that Supplier.
'My Collection' allows you to choose what images you would like to display for this Supplier. You can use images that the Supplier has uploaded or you can upload your own by clicking on 'Add Image'.
To include images in 'My Collection' that the Supplier has loaded, navigate to the Supplier Images and click on the 'Up arrow' icon, this will move the Supplier images into your collection above. The preview (eye) icon will enlarge the images for a better look at the images before moving them into 'My Collection'.
The first 3 images that you use are vital, as these 3 images are what is displayed in most of your outputs. You can rearrange the images in 'My Collection' simply by dragging and dropping the images.
Once you have loaded, selected and arranged the images that you would like to use for this Supplier, you need to choose if you would only like to display the images in My Collection or the images loaded by the Supplier as well.
**Note**: The images that you customise will be available only to your account. They won't affect the original property listing or anyone else who is also making use of the property in another account.
Please ensure that you have permission from the Content Owner to ensure that there are no copyright issues when itineraries are distributed. Wetu is not responsible should any issues occur.
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