Here you would need to add the following information about your special.
The name of the special should be added in the ***title*** section, this name will show on the tour operator & agent facing portal
Clicking on ***type*** will provide you with a list of special types you can choose from.
A summary of the special should be added in the ***description*** box.
A breakdown of what is included and any conditions that apply to the special should be added in the ***T & C's*** box.
Select who the special applies to in the ***visibility*** box.
***Total nights*** can be added and is optional for all special types, except for ***stay / pay*** specials.
The cost of the special can be added in the ***cost*** box. You can choose if the costing is for per person per night, per person sharing per night, etc.
***Booking validity*** dates should be added. These dates affects when the specials are visible in Wetu.
The dates of the special should be added in the ***travel dates*** box.
Lastly, select the property you would like to link the special to. The properties that are listed here, are the properties that you have access to manage.