Meet and Greets

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

On the Navigation Panel, select 'Account' under Account setup to get started.

Creating a Meet and Greet

Once in Account, navigate to the 'Contacts and Services' tab to add your Meet and Greet.
Click on '+ Add Meet and Greet' and a pop-up will appear for you to give the service a name. Once done, click 'Save'.
**Wetu Suggests:** It is recommended that you name the service as specifically as possible.
Once you have named and saved your Meet and Greet, clicking on the edit icon will take you to the profile editor where you can edit the content for the Meet and Greet you created.
To add Images and a Description, click on 'edit icon' to update the service.
**Wetu Suggests:** Writting your description in the third person
To add images, click on 'Images' or Drag and Drop images to upload them to the service. Be sure you have permission to use the images and confirm by ticking the 'I confirm we have permission' in the pop-up that appears once you upload an image.
**Note:** The system automatically saves any images that you have uploaded here. There is no save button.
**Pictures**\ Images must be high resolution and in landscape. Tell a story with the pictures which should represent all aspects of your Meet and Greet. - A picture says 1000 words – tell stories with your images - Upload hi-res images (must be >500KB, preferably >3MB) – must be > 2MP - Upload landscape images rather than portrait images – most screens are twice as wide as they are high - Get into the destination (destination = wildlife, beach, mountains, city etc) – this is mostly why people travel. Show what is special about this place or person
**Note:** Landscape images display better than portrait. High-resolution images that are close to 1MB are best and anything under 300KB will not look good on your client's full screen.

Using a Meet and Greet in an Itinerary

On the Planner step of the Itinerary Builder, navigate to the day in which the Meet and Greet is to be displayed. Once you have selected the day you will find the 'Meet and Greet' button towards the left-hand side of the screen.
When you click on 'Meet & Greet', you will then be able to select a service from the drop-down menu, based on the Meet and Greets you have already loaded in the Account and it will populate the name and description with the details loaded. In addition, the images will automatically pull through into the Itinerary.
Alternatively, you can enter the Meet and Greet details once off for this particular Itinerary by entering the name and description directly in the pop-up menu. \ \ The details manually entered will only be available for use in this Itinerary and cannot be saved and reused. In addition, if added in the Itinerary Builder itself, you do not have the ability to load images.
The contact details and time will need to be loaded either from the Contact list (also in Account) or manually for this Itinerary. Once the details have been added, select 'Update Service' to save.
Should you need to re-arrange the order of the Meet and Greet and your activities, you can click, hold then drag and drop it into the correct place with the green arrows.

Itinerary Output Display

Once the 'Meet&Greet' has been added to your trip it will display on the various digital outputs as indicated in our screenshots.
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