Member Shared Resource Tool within a Group

  • 0 step
  • OnelearningplatformOnelearningplatform
  • CaeducatorstogetherCaeducatorstogether
  • AlaskaeducationexchangeAlaskaeducationexchange
  • DigecosystemDigecosystem
From within a Group a Block can be set up that allows for Members of the Group to share resources with the group. ***Note:*** *For most of the One Platform implementations, standard users cannot make the objects they move into the platform, or create using the platforms curriculum authoring tools publicly available.* This tool allows standard users who are members of a group to share an object with all members of the group.
To share a resource (object) within a group, *Click* on the "Share a Resource icon" from within the Member Shared Resources section of the group
*Click* "Add New Resource" button **Note**: *If you have already added the Resource (object) to the Platform, select it from the Resources displayed in this modal instead of using the +Add New Resource button.*
*Click* the "Title" field to add the Resource Title **AND** select either Instructional or Practitioner Resource **Note**: *not all One Platform implementations have the Instructional Resource and Practitioner Resource Selections. When those exist, a selection must be made prior to moving on to the next step.*
*Click* in the Description field to add a Resource Description **Note:** *both the Title and the Description can be edited later.*
**Select** either "I want to contribute a website URL OR "I want to upload a file" and add your Resource.
*Click* the box under 'Share With'. Making this selection directs the Resource to be displayed within the Member Shared section of the group. **Note:** *whichever group you are performing this function in will have its name displayed next to the share with box.*
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