Overview of the Invoice Reconciliation Report

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    • 2 minutes
      Navigate to Brokerage Engine

      Generate the Report

      Click "Accounting"
      Click "Reports"
      Click "Subledger Reporting"
      Click "Invoice Reconciliation"
      The report will populate.
      The date range can be determined by the options from the dropdown menu, or by the date fields.
      Click "Generate"
      The report will generate with the dates provided. The blue heading indicate the criteria on the Brokerage Connect platform, and the yellow heading the criteria in Accounting.

      Breakdown of fields

      Invoice # - it is the autogenerated reference number of the invoice. Office - it is the office tied to the invoice. Bill To - the Agent (Customer) that is billed by the invoice. Invoice Date - the date the invoice was created.
      LSS Amount - the amount of the invoice in the Connect platform. LSS Balance - the balance of the invoice in the Connect platform. LSS Status - the status of the invoice in the Connect platform.
      Accounting Amount - the amount of the invoice in the Accounting platform. Accounting Balance - the balance of the invoice in the Accounting platform. Accounting Status - the status of the invoice in the Accounting platform.
      Accounting Match - it displays two statuses. If the Accounting Match is "true", then the invoice created in the Connect platform synced successfully to the Accounting platform. If the Accounting Match is "false, then the sync log for the invoice needs to be reviewed. Any errors will need to be revised, and then the invoice will sync. The Action column has a force sync button to expedite the sync of invoices. If the invoice is not force synced, then it will automatically feed on the next scheduled sync.

      Search for Invoices

      You can search for an invoice by typing the invoice number on the text field.
      Additionally, you can search by Office by selecting from the dropdown menu.
      You can pull all the invoices that belong to an Agent by selecting their name from the dropdown menu under "Bill To".
      The toggle key for "Hide Matching Invoices" can be selected to "No" and "Yes", in order to direct the system whether to display Invoices that have been synced to the Accounting platform and have a match.

      Fixing a Common Sync Error

      Force synching an Invoice that has a false Accounting Match status will result in an error message by the system.
      As per the Error! message, the Invoice did not sync because the Invoice has an Account that does not exist in the Accounting Platform.
      On the report, click on the Amount of the Invoice that failed to sync. This will navigate you to the invoice of the Connect (LSS) platform.
      The "View in Accounting" button is missing.
      In order to view the sync log of an Invoice add "/synclog" to the end of the Invoice URL.
      The Sync Log shows the failed sync activity of the Invoice.
      When clicking on "[BE] - Import Invoice", the error that is causing the sync failure will display. In this case, the Marketing Item was created with Account 6012, which is an Account that was later renamed.
      The Marketing Item has been updated with the correct account.
      Navigate back to the Invoice Reconciliation Report and force sync the Invoice.
      Click "OK"
      Click "OK"
      The Accounting Match will now show as "true".
      The "View in Accounting" button will now display in the Connect (LSS) platform.
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