**Standard Group Toolbar**
The **Group Toolbar** has the following Toolbar options, listed top to bottom in the order displayed on the image:
1. **Pencil Icon:** Edit the group title, description or demographics. *\*The pencil icon is only visible to users who have created the group, leaders of the group or have edit access to the group.*
2. **People with Gears Icon:** Manage group members. *\*This icon is only visible to users who have created the group, leaders of the group or have edit access to the group.*
3. **Envelope Icon:** Send a message (email) to all members of the group.
4. **Heart Icon:** Add to favorites
5. **Share Icon:** Share the group to other group, users, social media platforms or via email.
6. **Add to Collection Icon:** Add the group to a collection
7. **Flag Icon:** Flag the group as inappropriate, broken or awesome
8. **Gears Icon:** Manage Permissions, Change Ownership, Create Subgroup or Delete the group. *\*The gears icon is only visible to users who have created the group, leaders of the group or have edit access to the group.*
9. **Site Guide**: Provides a tour of the blocks on the group page