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  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

Access the Itinerary Builder by navigating to 'Trip Solutions' on the left-hand side Navigation Panel, and select the 'Itinerary Builder' option. \ \ You can choose between creating a 'Personal Itinerary' or a 'Sample Itinerary' for a specific client or group.

Pricing Blocks

The Pricing Blocks are tabbed free text fields where you are able to add all the pricing and terms for this booking. Each of these fields has the options for Bold, Italics and Underlined text. You are also able to create a numbered list and bullet points. **Price**\ Add any pricing details for the booking here. You are able to add as little or as much information as you would like. **Price Includes and Excludes**\ Add all of the Includes and Excludes for the whole trip here. In the [Planner,]( you are able to specify the Includes and Excludes for each day or destination depending on your set up.

How the Pricing Details Display on the Outputs

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