Print Summary

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  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

To generate a Print Summary you will need to be in the Additional Details Step of the Itinerary Builder.

Generating the Print Summary

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Print Summary, third button from the left.
The Printable Summary Options window will appear:
**Note:** The Printable Summary Options window will not appear if the account Admin has not given consultants access to customise the Print Options. Instead the Printable Summary will download immediately with the default settings which have been set in Admin. You may want to do this if you prefer all Printable Summaries generated by your team to look the same.

Customisation Options

The Printable Summary Options window contains a number of options which can be used to customise the information which appears on the Print Summary **Display Day Notes**\ Choose whether you would like Day Notes to display on your Printable Summary. Day Notes are added in Step 4 of the Itinerary Builder.
**Display Expert Tips**\ Choose whether you would like Expert Tips to display on your Printable Summary. Expert Tips are also added in Step 4 of the Itinerary Builder. **Display Telephone Number**\ Select this to include the supplier's telephone number in the Printable Summary. **Display Address**\ Select this if you need to include the supplier's address in the Printable Summary. **Display Includes and Excludes**\ Choose whether you want to display information about Includes and Excludes on the Printable Summary. Details about Includes and Excludes are specified per day in Step 4 of the Itinerary Builder:
**Date Format**\ Choose between British (dd/mm/yy) or the American (mm/dd/yy) date format. Once you have selected the options you prefer, click 'Download Summary' at the bottom of the Printable Summary Options window.
**Note:** If pop-ups are turned off (blocked) in your internet browser, your Print Summary might not download automatically, so if nothing happens when you click Download Summary, you need to allow pop-ups for Wetu in your browser. Find out how to do this [here](
The Printable Summary will download in  Microsoft Word format. It can be formatted in Word according to your requirements. 
**Note:** Once you have downloaded your Printable Summary, any changes which you make to the document in Microsoft Word will not be automatically updated on Wetu - you will be working on two different systems.
The Printable Summary can be sent to your client as an attachment via e-mail. Alternatively, you can upload the Printable Summary so that it appears as downloadable document link on your Virtual or Digital Itinerary. For instructions on how to do this, refer to our [article on adding documents to an itinerary](

Printable Summary Outputs

The look and feel of the Printable Summary will be different depending on whether you have selected the Classic or the Contemporary Print Family in Admin. The Print Family that you are using is indicated at the top of the Printable Summary Options window:
**Classic Print Family** The Classic printable summary is the original simple, print-friendly look which contains just the essential info and no hero image or colour beyond the branding logo.
**Contemporary Print Family** The Contemporary print summary includes a hero image at the beginning of the summary and uses font size and colour to make the summary quick and easy to read.
**Wetu Suggests:** Speak to the Administrator on your team if you want to change from Classic to Contemporary or vice-versa.
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