Printable Itinerary

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  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

To generate a Printable Itinerary you will need to be in the 'Additional Details' Step of the Itinerary Builder.
**Wetu Suggests:** Wetu's Printable Outputs are designed to be Microsoft Word compatible. You will not achieve an optimum result if you use another word processing application. For this reason we strongly recommend using Microsoft Word to view and edit your Printable Itineraries. You can also convert to PDF format using MS Word.

Generating a Contemporary Printable Itinerary

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select  Printable Itinerary, on the left under Outputs. 
The Printable Itinerary Options window will appear, with your chosen style template specified in the title bar:
**Note:** The Printable Itinerary Options window will not appear if the account Admin has not given consultants access to customise the Print Options. Instead the Printable Itinerary will download immediately with the default settings which have been set in Admin. You may want to do this if you prefer all Printable Itineraries generated by your team to look the same. Administrators can find out more about setting print option defaults and controlling customisation[here](

Customisation Options

The Printable Itinerary Options window contains a number of options which can be used to customise the information which appears on the Printable Summary. These customisation options are divided into four groups, namely 'Customisation, Images, Hyperlinks, and Content'. The options available in each of these four groups is explained below:
You can customise the font colours of your Printable Itinerary. Use the colour picker, or enter Hex or RGB values:
**Primary Colour**\ Customise the colour of primary headings, such as Day, Itinerary Name, Client name, Price, Includes/Excludes **Secondary Colour**\ Customise the colour of secondary headings, such as Activities, Accommodations, Room/Suite **Hyperlink Colour**\ Choose a colour for the hyperlinks (see below) that can be added to your Printable Itinerary
**Note:** A default colour can be set in Admin. If you change default colour in the Itinerary Builder a  **reset button** will appear so that you can return to the default colour if needed.
**Paper Size**\ Choose between A4 or Letter size. Letter size is useful if you are generating vouchers for someone from a country which uses US paper sizes, such as Canada, USA and parts of South America. **Heading Font**\ Select a font for the headings that appear on your Printable Itinerary from the list of Windows-compatible fonts. **Body Text Font**\ Select a font for the body text that appear on your Printable Itinerary from the list of Windows-compatible fonts. **Date Format**\ Choose between British (dd/mm/yy) or the American (mm/dd/yy) date format. **Text Alignment**\ Decide how you would like the text in your Printable Itinerary to be laid out - left-aligned or justified


**Cover Image** If you have uploaded a Printable Itinerary Cover Image in the Theme you have applied to your Itinerary you can choose to show or hide this Theme Cover Image. If you select show, the Theme Cover Image will display at the very beginning of your Printable Itinerary.
**Note:** This option is only available for Contemporary Printable Itineraries. The Classic Printable Itinerary will always include the Theme's Printable Itinerary Cover Image - there is no option to hide it.
**Operator Logo Placement & Size**\ With Contemporary, the Operator logo will appear at the bottom of the page on the Printable Itinerary. Decide if you want your logo to be large or small, and if you want it in the middle, on the left or on the right. Alternatively, you can hide the Operator logo. **Destination Image and Intro** - **Image with Small Intro**: A Destination Image will be included with a short introductory paragraph of Destination information - **Hide Small Intro**: Just the Destination image will be displayed, without any Destination Information. **Accommodation Room Images**\ Just one image will display for the Accommodation Rooms you have chosen. This image can be **large or small.**
**Wetu Suggests:** If you select large, we suggest that you check the quality of the Accommodation Images in the Printable Itinerary output once you downloaded. If the Service Provider has uploaded good quality Room Images, large will look good. However, if the Service Provider has uploaded low quality Room Images, the images may appear to have bad resolution when set to Large. In this case Small will produce a more visually appealing Printable Itinerary


**Link: View Web Version**\ Link to your Virtual or Digital Itinerary **Link: Further Information**\ Link to the hyperlink added to your account in the Supplier Tab. **Link: View Brochure**\ Link to the Service Providers iBrochure if they have one. **Link: View Company Video**\ Link to your company video, if you have included this in your Company Details in Admin.
**Wetu Suggests:** If you plan to e-mail the Printable Itinerary to your Client as a PDF or MS Word document, hyperlinks can be included which your client can click through to for additional information. If you plan on printing your Printable Itinerary before giving it to your client Wetu recommends removing these hyperlinks by unticking the boxes alongside them.


**Company Information**\ Include any Company Information that you have included in the Company Details tab of the Admin Panel at the start of the Printable Itinerary, after the map, or before the Travel Information. Alternatively, you can hide any Company Information. **Consultant information**\ Include any Consultant Information that you have included in the Identities tab of the Admin Panel at the start of the Printable Itinerary, after the map, or before the Travel Information. Alternatively, you can hide any Consultant Information. **Map** - **Hide Inbound/Outbound Flights:** Map does not display any inbound or outbound flights, including long-haul/overnight flights, but does display all other travel - **Show All Travel**: Map displays all travel, including international flights **Travel Arrangements** - **Last Page**: Summary of all the Travel Arrangements (flights, transfer, etc) on the final page of the itinerary - **Day by Day**: Travel Arrangements are shown per day, after accommodation and activities. **Destination Date Ranges**\ Choose to include or exclude checkout dates for the accommodations listed in your printable itinerary **Directions**\ Driving Directions can be displayed at the very end of the itinerary, before the T's & C's and Travel Information. Alternatively, you can choose to not display any driving directions (hide). **Country Information** - **Hide**: Not displayed in the itinerary at all - **Included with Details (Appendix)**: All details at the end of the Itinerary
**Prevent Page Breaks** - **Selected:** Removes pages breaks; information runs over pages - **Not selected:** Enables page breaks in the document. **Display Terms and Conditions** - **Selected:** The Terms and Conditions that you have included in your itinerary will appear on the last page of your Printable Itinerary - **Not selected:** No Terms and Conditions info will be included in the Printable Itinerary **Display Room Information** - **Selected:** Any room information that you have included will display in the printable itinerary. - **Not selected:** Room information will not display in the printable itinerary **Display Basis** - **Selected:** Basis information will be displayed - **Not selected:** Basis is hidden if this option is selected **Display Contact Details** - **Selected:** The contact details of all Service Providers included in the itinerary will appear at the end of the Printable Itinerary, before Travel Information and Ts & Cs. - **Not selected:** Contact details for the Service Providers included in the itinerary will be excluded from the Printable Itinerary **Display Activity Description** - **Selected:** Any Activities included in your itinerary will appear as images with a description of the activity. - **Not selected:** Only the Activity images will be included in the Printable Itinerary, without any text.


Once you have selected all the options you would like to use to customise the appearance of your Printable Itinerary, click the Download Itinerary button:
Your Printable Itinerary will download in Microsoft Word format. You can edit and make changes as you wish.
**Note:** Once you have downloaded your Printable Itinerary, any changes which you make to the document in Microsoft Word will not be automatically updated on Wetu - you will be working on two different systems.
Once you click Download Itinerary, any changes you make to the customisations options in the Itinerary Builder will be  remembered by the system. If you switch to another itinerary or when you log in again, your Printable Itinerary Options will appear with the options you last used. You can always return default settings that your team's Wetu Admin set in the Admin Panel by clicking Set to Default:
**Wetu Suggests:** Wetu's Printable Outputs are designed to be Microsoft Word compatible. You will not achieve an optimum result if you use another word processing application. For this reason we suggest using Microsoft Word to view and edit your Printable Itineraries. You can also convert to PDF format using MS Word.
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