Reset Password

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

How to Get Started

To update your password you will either need to have access to your user profile via your 'Account setup' Portal or you can select the 'Personal Details' button from your dashboard.
**Note:** The 'Account setup' button will only appear on your dashboard if you have administrator permissions

How to Change my Password

Working in the Account setup portal under the 'Users' tab, you will need to select the user you wish to change and click on the 'Edit icon'.
Once you have entered the User Details tab, in the top right corner of the page select the ‘Update Password’
A pop-up window will appear where you can create a new password and click on the 'Update' button to apply the change.
Once you have created that password and selected ‘Update’ the pop-up window will close. Click the ‘Save’ button in the top right corner to save and update the new password.

Forgot Password: How to Reset

To reset your password you can click on [Password Reset (]( link. Once you have selected the link you will be redirected to the reset password screen.
**Note:** Ensure that when you are resetting your password, you use the email address registered to the user profile.

General Password Tips

These are some of the most common password-creation tips to keep in mind when updating your password. **Create Unique Passwords**\ Never use personal information such as your name, birthday, username, or email address. Rather use passwords that consist of mixed characters that are harder to crack. **Password Managers**\ Use reputable password managers. These tools help generate strong, unique passwords for each account and securely store them. **Beware of Phishing**\ Exercise caution and don't share your passwords via email or on suspicious websites and verify the authenticity of links before entering login credentials. **Regularly update your password**\ Promptly address any potential vulnerabilities by updating passwords or taking necessary security measures **Create a Strong Password**\ Use a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
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