Selecting Destinations

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

You will need to be in the Accommodation step of your itinerary in order to change the destination assigned to the accommodation.

Changing the Destination

Once you have added the accommodation, you can click on the Destination drop-down menu and select your preferred destination from the options available.
**Note:** The destination selected during the accommodation setup will determine the images and descriptions that will be displayed in your itinerary outputs. It is recommended that you try as much as possible to select the destination closest to the accommodation.
You will be required to follow the same process as above for each accommodation added to the itinerary should you want a different destination than the default.\ \ Alternatively, you can also set your preferred destinations in your Account setup so that it defaults to your accommodations when building an itinerary.

Setting a Preferred Destination

To change your preferred default destination for each supplier, you will need to be in the Suppliers tab in your Account setup.
locate your desired supplier you would like to set a new default destination from the list. \ \ Clicking on 'change' next to the destination will display a pop-up where you can choose a new default destination from the options provided.
Using the Name or Destination fields to locate your supplier from your list faster than the scrolling down the list.
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