Travel Guidance

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  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

To work on Travel Guidance, on the Navigation Panel, select 'Account' under Account setup.
If you do not have access to the 'Account setup' Functionality, please contact the person in your company that is in charge of your Wetu Account.
Once in the 'Account', open the Company Details Tab.

Travel Guidance

Travel Guidance is where you add information regarding the finer details of travelling for your clients that is not country specific. If you do not give specific  [Visa information per Country,]( you can add a note in here to ensure that your clients get details from the respective embassies.

How Travel Guidance displays on Digital Outputs

This information will show at the top of the Information Section of the Digital Itinerary as well as on the Printable Itinerary.
Information that you have added to your Travel Guidance will display right at the bottom of your Discovery Itinerary.
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