Using Google Scholar to Find a Known Article and Articles that Cite the Known Article

    • Mary Ann Naumann |
    • 0 step |
    • 32 seconds
    Navigate to [](
    Enter the title of the article you are trying to locate and click on the search icon.
    Access the full text of the article by clicking on the "Get It! @ ASU" hyperlink.
    The link (Cited by ...) under the search result connects you to the articles that have cited the article you were trying to locate. This tool enables you to find more recent, related sources.
    Because there are nearly 3000 citations to this known article, it might be useful to search within these citing articles.
    To narrow and search through the citing articles, click on the "Search within citing articles" box and enter additional search terms in the search box above.
    You can also limit search results by date, if desired.

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