Visibility Settings

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  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

On the Navigation Panel, select 'Account' under Account setup, and navigate to the 'Documentation' tab.

Adding Documentation

On the left-hand side, select the type of documentation you would like to upload.
Then click on 'Upload Document' button to browse your files on your computer and upload it to your Wetu account.
Once you have loaded the document, you can change the name of the file. You can also set visibility to: **Public**\ This will display all of your uploaded documents in your rebranded iBrochure that you send out to clients or that is linked to your Digital Itineraries.  **Consultant** \ This will display your documents in your rebranded iBrochure if you are logged in, in the Consultant Portal and the Itinerary Builder\ \ **Consultant & Agent**\ This will display your documents in your rebranded iBrochure if you are logged in, in the Consultant Portal and the Itinerary Builder Don't forget to **Save** when you're done.
**Note:** If you remove a document, you need to click save again for the removal to be noted. 

Where is this Documentation available?

Depending on the visibility setting selected for the uploaded company documents, the options below will differ: **Rebranded iBrochure**
**Content Central**
**Consultant Portal**
**Itinerary Builder**
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