Web App Inbox and Forms

        Your Web App Menu allows you to access: Inbox, Forms, Chat, Support, Account Settings, and a guide "Get the Mobile App".
        With the Web App you are able to "Minimize" your Side Menu.
        While the sidebar is minimized you are still able to click on the icons to navigate through the menu.
        You can always "Expand" the menu back to its original size.

        Accessing your "Inbox"

        Click here to access your "Inbox".
        The "All" tab will have all of your Broadcasts that were sent to you. You'll have a Teal circle that let's you know you have not read that Broadcast.
        Click "Unread" to view all the Broadcasts that have asked for a response that you have not replied to.
        Click the Broadcast you would to respond to.
        You will see that Broadcast to the right where you are able to respond to the request.

        Accessing "My Forms"

        Click "My Forms" to access Forms that have been assigned to you.
        Just like the Inbox, you will be able to select from the available Forms.
        Once you've chosen a Form you will be able to fill it out in the same window you would a Broadcast.
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