SpreadSheets Crafter: Expense Tracker & Dashboard - Guide

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How to get started with your Expense Tracker & Dashboard. This tracker makes it easy to keep you in the right path when you are working towards your expenses. Spreadsheets Crafter, gives you the best tools and now with instructions. If you are looking for help on how to get started with your Expense Tracker & Dashboard you are in the right place:

How to copy your template:

How to copy my google sheet template?

Google Docs
8 Steps
Spreadsheets Crafter

🚨IMPORTANT: Do not lose your access link. This link can be access by you when future updates are available for the templates.


DO NOT - delete our logo. This will make the templates obsolete.

DO NOT - add/delete rows or columns without going through the instructions first.

🚨 To see a sample filled out please visit Spreadsheets Crafter Expense Tracker & Dashboard SAMPLE

How to customize my template?

How to customize the theme?

Google Docs
8 Steps
Spreadsheets Crafter

How to change the currency:

Changing the currency

Google Docs
4 Steps
Spreadsheets Crafter

Get started:

Adding expenses

Google Docs
4 Steps
Spreadsheets Crafter

Adding Transactions

Google Docs
4 Steps
Spreadsheets Crafter

The Expenses Dashboard

Google Docs
4 Steps
Spreadsheets Crafter

The Expand & Collapse Feature

Google Docs
8 Steps
Spreadsheets Crafter

How to delete the Expand & Collapse Feature

Google Docs
8 Steps
Spreadsheets Crafter

If you are having any other complication with the template because a row was deleted or while inserting the the information a formula got mixed. Go back to your access link and redownload your template. You will have a completely clean and new template to start using.

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