(SOP) for New Application Development

    Step 1: Create Draft One

    Gather all the necessary requirements and specifications for the new application and develop an initial draft of the application.

    Step 2: Send Draft to Admins for Input

    Share the initial draft of the application with the admins and request their feedback and suggestions regarding any improvements or modifications needed.

    Encourage the admins to provide detailed input to ensure clarity and feasibility.

    Step 3: Create Draft Two

    Incorporate the feedback received from the admins into the initial draft. Make necessary revisions, enhancements, and refinements to the application. Ensure that all the identified issues or concerns have been addressed.

    Step 4: Send to Jason for Review

    Forward the revised draft of the application to Jason to provide feedback.

    Step 5: Address Jason's Change Requests and Send to Admins for Final Input

    If Jason requests changes, implement the modifications accordingly.

    Share the updated version of the application with the admins for their final input.

    Give the admins an opportunity to review the changes and suggest any further adjustments.

    Step 6: Repeat Steps 3 to 5 until No Additional Changes Requested

    Repeat steps 3 to 5 as necessary, incorporating feedback from Jason and the admins until no further changes are requested.

    Step 7: Send to Jason for Final Approval

    Once all feedback has been addressed and no additional changes are required, submit the final version of the application to Jason for his final approval.

    Await Jason's confirmation that the application meets the desired standards and requirements.

    Step 8: Send to Admins and In-House Agents ONLY for Use and Requested Feedback

    Distribute the approved application to the admins and in-house agents for their use.

    Encourage them to provide feedback on the application's functionality, usability, and any issues they encounter during their use.

    Step 9: Wait until it is Used Without Problems or No Longer than 2 Weeks, then Send to Independent Agents

    Monitor the application's performance and usage within the admins and in-house agents.

    Ensure that the application is functioning as intended and does not encounter any significant problems or issues.

    After a period of satisfactory use (generally no longer than 2 weeks), share the application with independent agents for their feedback and usage.

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