In this help page, we're going to show you how you can gather information and perspectives from various end users and stakeholders across your organisation. This is critically important to understanding satisfaction, use and ensuring an accurate baseline on which to make decisions.
Within the CoPerceptuo platform there are two different mechanisms for gathering feedback from stakeholders and end users:
Surveys - Surveys provide the ability to gather feedback on the IT services you offer from end users who use them. As part of the CoPerceptuo platform we provide a survey facility to setup and get responses from end users. We provide the ability to customise survey questions against a set of core IT services and send out to end users across your organisation.
Questionnaires - Questionnaires provide the abilty to poll specific stakeholders for specific information on a particular element of the IT service. For example, if you'd like to understand from an application owner in the business more information about a particular application they've bought, or use, this is the ideal way to do that.
Neither of these methods for response require users to have a license for the platform, these surveys and questionnaires are accessible and able to be responded to anyone you can send the link to.
The following provides a number of step-by-step walkthroughs in creating, editing and managing both surveys and questionnaires in the CoPerceptuo platform:
This concludes the steps with regards to creating, editing and managing surveys and questionnaires in the platform. For any support matters relating to surveys and questionnaires, please get in touch with